SiteMap Generator in Cloud Hosting
The Hepsia Control Panel that we offer with our cloud hosting solutions comes with a built-in sitemap generator tool that will enable you to make a sitemap for each website hosted in the account with only a few clicks. The tool offers you a really intuitive point-and-click interface which comes with a couple of options depending on how detailed you would like the sitemap to be. You can pick the depth as well as the maximum number of links to be listed. If you offer various content on the Internet site, you may also add and remove specific file extensions, which allows certain file types to be included or excluded from your sitemap. A drop-down menu will permit you to select any domain or subdomain hosted in the account, so the sitemap file will be created right where it's needed and you won't need to do a thing manually.
SiteMap Generator in Semi-dedicated Servers
The Hepsia Control Panel that is provided with our semi-dedicated server plans includes a sitemap generator that is very easy to use. The point-and-click interface enables you to make a sitemap for each Internet site accommodated in the account without difficulty even in case you have no previous experience, so you can have a search engine friendly sitemap in no time. You can select what number of links will be featured and how many levels down your webpages these links will follow, so it's your decision how detailed the sitemap will be. In case you offer custom content, you will also be able to add any kind of file extension present on the website and if needed, to remove extensions from the default ones. This way you can easily make a fully customizable sitemap which will match your specific requirements in terms of what exactly it has to include.
SiteMap Generator in Dedicated Servers
The Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which is one of the options you could pick for your top-notch dedicated server, contains a very easy-to-use sitemap generator. You'll be able to make a sitemap for any website hosted on the server with only a couple of clicks and choose how many levels down the web pages links should be crawled and how many links altogether have to be included. To personalize the sitemap even further, you'll also have the option to add custom file extensions to it which the generator will include, or you could remove any sort of file extension from the default ones that you will find if you open the Sitemap section of the Control Panel. In this way, you could easily include specific sections of your Internet site and remove others, so that the sitemap could include any custom site content which you may offer on the website rather than only the standard web pages.