Varnish is a web accelerator, which has been gaining a lot of popularity in recent years, as it can increase the speed of any site, sometimes even by 100 percent, depending on the content itself. This tool is occasionally called a caching HTTP reverse proxy too and is used to lower the overall load on the physical machine and to enhance the browsing speed for the site visitors. Anytime a visitor opens a page on a given website, the web browser request is taken care of by the web server and the requested content is returned as a reply. If Varnish is activated, it caches the pages that the website visitor opens and in case any of them is opened once again, it is fetched by Varnish and not by the server directly. The boost in the overall performance comes from the fact that the accelerator processes the web requests tremendously faster than any web server, which results in much faster browsing speeds for the site visitors. If any content is modified meanwhile, the cached web pages will also be ‘refreshed’ the next time somebody opens them.

Varnish in Cloud Hosting

You can take advantage of Varnish’s potential and increase the speed of your sites regardless of the cloud hosting plan that you’ve chosen and you can add and set up the content caching platform with a few mouse clicks through the intuitive interface offered by our advanced Hepsia Control Panel. During the procedure, you’ll be able to choose two different things – how many Internet sites will employ the Varnish platform, in other words – the number of instances, and how much info will be cached, in other words – the amount of memory. The latter is available in increments of 32 megabytes and is not tied to the number of instances, so you can order more instances with less memory and the other way around. If you’ve got a lot of content on a certain website and you draw a lot of site visitors, more system memory will give you better results. You may also consider employing a dedicated IP for the sites that will use the Varnish platform. The Hepsia Control Panel will offer you simple 1-click buttons for removing or restarting any instance, for deleting the cache associated with each Internet site and for seeing in-depth logs.

Varnish in Semi-dedicated Servers

The semi-dedicated plans offered by us will allow you to employ Varnish as soon as your brand-new account is active, since the content caching platform is offered by default. 64 MB of system memory will be assigned to Varnish the moment your account is enabled, so you can take advantage of this load distribution software as soon as your site has been launched. In case you are in need of more system memory, you can add 32 MB at a time from the Upgrades section of the Hepsia Control Panel and it will be assigned to your semi-dedicated machine momentarily. You can also increase the number of the Internet sites that employ Varnish, or the so-called ‘instances’, which are not linked directly to the amount of memory that you use, which goes to say that you will enjoy more flexibility. The platform will considerably reduce the load on the server caused by your sites, so your visitors can enjoy fast-loading pages. You’ll be able to manage the Varnish platform without effort through the Control Panel using quick-access buttons. You’ll be able to start/disable any of the instances that you have, to clear the cached files for any of your sites or to check system log files.

Varnish in Dedicated Servers

All dedicated web hosting plans which are ordered with the custom-developed Hepsia website hosting Control Panel include Varnish, which is one of the pre-installed platforms that you will get with the server. The Varnish caching platform can be activated and managed effortlessly through the Hepsia Control Panel’s user-friendly interface and, with no more than one single click, you can see a detailed log, add or reboot an instance, delete the cached content associated with any Internet site and much, much more. Shortly after you configure Varnish for a given domain or subdomain, it will begin caching the web pages accessed by your site visitors and once it has cached enough content, you’ll observe a tremendously better site performance plus a decreased load on your dedicated server. With Varnish-dedicated virtual memory starting at 3 GB, you will be able to use the software platform for workload distribution purposes even if you run lots of websites on your machine.